A lot more than tractors on a hill...

Franklin County Antique Machinery Club

Camping with us:
We offer a limited amount of primitive camping (no water and no electric) at the show on our grounds in the NORTH FIELD and at the TRACK AREA.
Those who camped with us in 2024 have until February 1st to renew the same spot for 2025.
Please contact Greg Pflum at 765-265-1404 if you need to renew your space.
If you are interested a space if any become available, we can add you to our wait list.
Other Nearby Camping Options:
​Franklin County Park (adjacent to the SHOW location)
7178 Blue Creek Road, Brookville, IN
in 2024 they took reservations via campsot.com.
Contact them at 765-647-4422 for info on 2025 reservations.
Whitewater Valley Gateway Park located at 19067 US 52, in Metamora, IN. They can be reached at 765-698-5972.
Brookville Mounds State Recreation Area
14108 State Road 101, Brookville, IN
866-622-6746 or www.camp.IN.gov
You will need to contact these organizations with questions or to obtain more information.